TPI Golf Fitness Program
Strength & Fitness program
"We are playing a sport, its a must to have a functional, strong and healthy body, to play your best."
GARY PLAYER Achieve swing changes that you thought were impossible, enjoy playing the game for many more years to come and simply feel healthy & fit every single day. Tackling all the challenges life and golf throws at us with a smile.
Its very simple in this day and age:
We will run you through your personal TPI screen, which tells us exactly in which areas your body needs improving, to help you move better and play better golf. After the test, we send your results to our Fitness coach Sebastian, where he will create your personal training program based on the TPI screen results.
This program will be all in the app called "Train heroic" downloadable for free for Android or iOS or on your desktop pc or Laptop.
There is where you follow the plan laid out for you.
Are you up for the challenge to improve yourself?
Join TPR Golf Academy & Sebastian Brown, PGA Strength Performance coach, on our newest, personalized golf strength and conditioning program!
​1 year 239 US
6 months 179 USD
3 months 119 USD